Good Hope Fishing Team spirit night a huge success at Augusta’s

Josh McBrayer

CULLMAN – The parking lot was overflowing with cars Thursday night when the Good Hope Fishing Team held their final fundraiser before their trip to Tennessee to compete on Kentucky Lake.

“We have four (fisherman) that have qualified for the Bassmasters National Championship on Kentucky Lake in Tennessee,” said Good Hope assistant fishing coach Tim Arnold.

The fundraiser wasn’t just to help the four anglers who qualified, but the entire team.

“My children went to a county school,” said Augusta’s Owner Deb Veres. “So I know how hard it is and how you have to do fundraisers for everything.”

Throughout the night, any patron who told their server they wanted participate in spirit night had 20 percent of their bill donated to Good Hope High School.

“We help county schools out by doing spirit nights,” said Veres. “They invite all of their friends and family in and 20 percent of the sales from their friends and their family goes back to the program.”

From the looks of the overflow in the parking lot and the plethora of patrons inside Augusta’s Sports Grill, the night was a huge success for the Good Hope Fishing Team.

“There is a lot of family and friends that came to support (spirit night),” said Arnold. “I don’t know how many we had here, but we filled the place pretty well.”

The support for the defending Cullman County champions was overwhelming and it shows no sign of slowing down as Good Hope heads into their third season.

The Costa Bassmaster High School National Championship is set for Aug. 4-6 on Kentucky Lake in Paris, Tennessee.