Alabama 4-H Mud Run slated for Saturday, Aug. 13


CULLMAN – Next month, the Cullman County office of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and the Alabama 4-H Club will be hosting the 4-H Mud Run at Stony Lonesome OHV Park in Bremen. The mud run, which the 4-H organization hopes will become an annual event, will take place on Saturday, Aug. 13.

Preregistration is available now, and those who register by Aug, 1 will receive a Mud Run T-shirt. Registration will be available on the day of the event beginning at 7:30 a.m., with the race starting at 8:30 a.m. The cost of registration is $30.

Two runs will be available at Stony Lonesome, with the 5K obstacle course being the main event. A 1-mile fun run will be available for younger children and will feature a mud pit.

With the 4-H clubs pledge reading, “I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world,” the event is said to put “the pledge into action. What better way to commit to healthy living than by getting muddy, having fun and exercising!”

Proceeds of the race will directly support the 4-H clubs throughout the state, and Cullman County Extension Coordinator Tony Glover pointed out, “The Mud Run is not an event for just 4-H members but is open to everyone as a 4-H fundraiser, so it is not designed to help 4-h’ers reach some goal but is rather a way for us to raise funds to carry out 4-H specialty programs that cost money to carry out.”

Glover also noted that, “We have 4-H clubs in almost every school in the county and this fall we will positively be in every school in Cullman County because we just got an additional employee who went from half-time to full-time.”

Events coming up this week sponsored by the Extension Office include an Electrical Hazard Awareness Program, Stocker Cattle Course and a three-day Home Food Preservation class.

To register for the run, visit Find the event on Facebook at

Stony Lonesome OHV Park is located at 10075 Alabama Highway 69 S in Bremen.

For information on 4-H clubs in Alabama, please visit

For additional questions regarding the race or Cullman’s 4-H program, contact the Cullman County Extension Office at 256-737-9386 or visit their office Monday – Friday from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at 402 Arnold St., NE, Suite G-1 in the Cullman County Office Building.