Good Hope City Council meeting notes- June 13

Sharon Schuler Kreps

GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope City Council met on Monday night with a fairly small agenda.

Councilman John Harris commended Good Hope Boy Scout Troop 241, who helped fellow scout Auston Rusk work in Hathcock Park on June 8 as part of Rusk’s Eagle Scout project. The troop raked, cleaned up, burned trash, dug holes, planted flowers and built a park bench. “This troop worked hard all day and left the park looking great. Job well done troop!”

In other news, Mayor Jerry Bartlett shared that the City has received the bill for everything they will need, engineering-wise, for the Bavar Creek Bridge project. The cost so far is around $190,000.

Resolution no. 014-2016, appointing City Clerk Christie Chamblee as election manager, was approved.

A bid from Good Hope Contracting to do asphalt work on Trimble Road in front of Good Hope Primary School for $122,466.23 was approved.

The Good Hope City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall. The public is welcome to attend.