Cullman Lions Club News

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First row: (left to right) – Director Riley Smith, Tail Twister Gary Murphree, Lion Tamer Dave Gratz, President Barry Willingham, Past Pres. Charles McBrayer, First Vice-President Bill Ruehl and Second Vice-President Mike Ponder

Second row, (left to right): – Director Howard Perry, Membership Jim Dill, Director Javon Daniel, Secretary Don Smith, Membership Chairman, David Bussman, Membership Vice- Chairman Frank Odell and Third Vice-President Andrew Manning

Not pictured – Secretary Jerry Bonner and Director Lummie Speakman


CULLMAN – Recently the Cullman Lions Club installed its officers for the coming 2016-2017 year. The Cullman Lions Club is the second largest Lions Club in the state of Alabama, with the Lions Organization being the largest community service club in the world. During the banquet, District Governor George Skezas announced that the Cullman Lions had been selected as District 34-A's club of the year and would be among two other clubs in Alabama to be considered for the state club of the year.

President McBrayer highlighted some of the Cullman Lions’ accomplishments of the past year, which were: sponsored 15  high school students from the county high schools to attend the Lions Youth Leadership forum held at Troy State University, sponsored a new high school LEO service club, helped with the Better Business Bureau's Shred A Thon on two occasions, aided deserving qualified persons with eye glasses and eye procedures, furnished the Cullman City Parks and Recreation Department with playground equipment for Stiefelmeyer  Park. All together the Cullman Lions Club gave back to the Cullman County Community in excess of $125,000 during the 2015-2016 year.

The Cullman Lions Club wishes to thank the Cullman and Cullman County communities for their continued support of all its activities and fundraising projects.


Cullman Lions Club Lion of the Year

At the recent end of the year banquet, Morris Mangum was selected as this year’s Cullman Lion of the Year. Lion Morris became a Lion over 40 years ago and has a record of perfect attendance in excess of 38 years. He has contributed to the growth of the club by sponsoring new Lions and actively participating in club projects, helping in fundraising projects and serving as a club officer. If there is anything to be done, club-wise, Morris is always there. He is a great example of the Lions’ Motto, “We Serve.”