OPINION: Aderholt Statement on Confederate Flags at National Cemeteries


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala. (AL-04) today released the following statement regarding a push by Democrats to make it illegal to display the Confederate flag in national cemeteries.

“What we are seeing is a politically charged symbol being used to divide people along racial lines,” said Aderholt. “But the truth of the matter is that the only people that are doing that today are the proponents of this amendment to remove flags from cemetery property.

“Every time the flag issue dies away from the news it is raised from the dead by people that seek to keep it alive for their own political purposes,” said Aderholt. “It is time to let the dead remain dead. We should honor the dead in a peaceful way for their sacrifice instead of using them as a distraction from the important matters at hand.”

In Washington, Aderholt serves as Chairman of the subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies for the powerful House Appropriations committee. He is also a member of the committee’s Defense subcommittee, the committee’s Commerce, Justice and Science subcommittee and the Helsinki Commission.

For more information about Aderholt’s work in Congress, visit www.aderholt.house.gov.