Notes from Dodge City Town Council Meeting, May 12

Sharon Schuler Kreps

DODGE CITY – A regular Dodge City Town Council meeting was held on Thursday night at the Dodge City Town Hall at 6 p.m. After normal housekeeping matters were addressed, the council quickly moved on to business.

Mayor Tawana Canada stated that Dodge City Fire Chief Matt Weaver has several projects going on currently, and that some from the fire department are completing school a week from Saturday.

The first reading of the School Tax Exemption Ordinance (to exempt certain “covered items” from the municipal sales and use tax during the weekend of August 5-7 as authorized by the 2016 “Back-to-School” sales tax holiday) was completed. It will have to be read a second time before it can be passed.

Stop signs for County Roads 240 and 205 were approved.

The council approved a motion to repair a culvert on County Road 216.

The Council approved a motion to close the street in front of Town Hall for “Dodge City Day” on July 11.

There were no new resolutions, orders or other business.

Those in attendance were Canada, Councilman Jason Burney, Councilman Murray Lowe, Councilman Anthony Todd, Councilwoman Inez McDonald, Councilman Ervin Chumley and Town Clerk Vicki Ogletree.

The Dodge City Town Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.