Baileyton Town Council Meets; Discusses New and Expanding Businesses, Honoring a Hometown Hero

Sharon Schuler Kreps

BAILEYTON – A regular Baileyton Town Council meeting was held on Monday night, April 4, at Baileyton Town Hall. The biggest topics for the night were new and expanding area businesses and honoring a Baileyton native who was killed in action in Vietnam in 1967.

After the usual housekeeping items such as roll call and approval of last month’s meeting meetings, led by Town Clerk Pat Gilbert, the council got right down to business. The meeting began with an invocation followed by a roll call.

The council, a lively bunch, had a lengthy discussion concerning the Med-Air Evac insurance policies for the Town of Baileyton and its residents. The issue was tabled until next month’s meeting (May 2) so that Mr. Jones from the Med-Air Evac Insurance Company can be present to explain the insurance and answer any further questions the council members may have.

Community member Brad Hadley will be opening a new business in the industrial park.

“Brad Hadley and his son Seth own and operate Quality Heating and Air,” said Gilbert. “They have decided to expand their business.  They will fabricate some sort of pipe used in the HVAC business, and there is currently no one in the state of Alabama that makes that product.  The suppliers have been purchasing from out of state. They are contemplating fabricating other products as well, but I'm not sure what those products are.”

“Brad bought a building by Parkside from Walker Brothers,” said Baileyton Mayor Johnny Dyar. “There are two or three other things coming at the same time that would employ several hands. We’re working with NARCOG and with Cherrie Haney at the Cullman County Economic Development and Walker Brothers to try to get them all off the ground.”

The Baileyton Senior Center is doing a fundraiser to purchase two signs from the State for the new bridge on Alabama Highway 67 that was named after a Baileyton native, Alton Shedd, who was killed in action in Vietnam on May 19, 1967. He left a widow in Baileyton who never remarried and lived until 2002. The state requires the family to pay for the signs, which are going to be $3,600.  Shedd's aunt is a member of the senior center, and the senior citizens want to contribute to the memory and honor of a hometown hero.

The seniors are planning on having a yard sale soon. Once they determine a date, Dyar and the rest of the council will help gather items.

Those who would like more information on any items discussed at this month’s meeting or who are interested in helping with the senior center project should contact Baileyton Town Hall at 95 Fire Station Road, Baileyton, AL 35019 or 256-796-6447.

The Baileyton Town Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the town hall. The meetings are open to the public.