Cullman Primary School Set to Celebrate 20 Years


CULLMAN – Cullman City Primary School (CCPS) will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next week with fun-filled events scheduled for the facility and students to honor the exciting commemoration.

With its current enrollment of approximately 510 primary students and 100 head start students, CCPS provides the solid foundation of quality education that is the hallmark of the Cullman City School System.

Monday, April 4 will begin the weeklong party as all of the students will form a large number 20 and have their picture taken from above. Students are encouraged to wear a black shirt for Monday’s photo. On Wednesday, CCPS alumni students and retired teachers will be returning for a visit to read to the current youngsters.

Lastly, Friday will be the day of the big celebration with a special School Spirit Day planned. Students will be fully decked out in their Bearcat spirit clothes and will be spending time with the school mascot during snack time.

A few special staff members at CCPS have served the students since the first year and will be honored during the celebration. Lois Bice, Cathy Kaple, Lorene Howell, Ann Davis and Belinda Lloyd have all seen the school nurture and support Cullman’s littlest citizens for the past 20 years.

CCPS PTO President Katie Smith and the rest of the parents are, perhaps, just as enthusiastic as their little ones in anticipation of the celebration and have been instrumental in preparing and getting the word out about the festivities.

The Cullman City School System is home to over 3,000 students so it is easy to see the necessity of opening a primary school to serve children in the head start program, kindergarten and first grade. Principal Trisha Culpepper shared, “By opening the Primary School in 1996, we were able to gain additional classroom space at our elementary schools. The Primary School specializes in educating our youngest learners in our system.”