Shedd Kills Two County Commission Bills in the House

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State of AL

MONTGOMERY – State Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview, led the way on Thursday to kill two legislative bills in the Alabama House of Representatives that he says could raise garbage rates (HB 24) and make it easier for county commissioners to give themselves pay raises (HB 16).

Both bills were the first two items on the House agenda on Thursday, Feb. 18.

Shedd issued the following statement:

There is no question, the first bill (HB 24) opened the door for backdoor tax increases. It set up a way for county commissions to raise rates on monthly garbage bills and landfill fees to pay for other things including new buildings and roads. I don’t want to see $100 a month garbage bills to pay for county services not related to sanitation service.

Currently, the county commission has the authority to raise garbage rates, but all of the money from garbage bills must be spent on operating the sanitation system. It can’t be spent on other county services such as new buildings or roads, etc.

I think if this legislation passed, people could see some very expensive garbage bills. The bill failed 65-10.

The second bill (HB 16) would authorize county commissions to give themselves a pay raise at any time during the year. The bill died on a procedural vote.

I am proud to have led the fight to kill these bills. I said when this session began, my strategy is to “amend and defend” the people I represent, and this is a good example of it.

Shedd can be reached at 256-531-6641.