WSCC’s Continuing Education schedule filled with classes for everyone


HANCEVILLE – From cake decorating to graphic design to genealogy to CPR classes and more, the Wallace State Continuing Education program has a full schedule of classes for the spring semester. You can learn a new skill, train for a new career or take a class for the pure enjoyment of learning.

The wide variety of classes range in length from two and three classes to two to three months for job training. Classes are held on campus and online through the website. There you can access everything from ACT prep courses; foreign language, leadership training; business, computer and accounting training, including grant writing, creating web pages, etc.; and non-credit career training in the categories of health, media and design, business and information technology and software development.

The courses and services offered on campus include:

  • Cake Decorating, with Course I (fundamentals) held on Tuesdays, March 1-30, and Course II (flowers and borders) held on Tuesdays, April 5-19. These classes are held from 5-7 p.m., on the 12th floor of the Bailey Center. The fee is $35 for each course.
  • Photography, with Intro to Photography held on Tuesdays, Feb. 9-March 15 and Advanced Digital Photography held on Tuesdays, March 29-May 3. These classes will be held from 6-8 p.m., on the 2nd floor of the Burrow Center. The fee is $75 for each course.
  • Graphic Design, with Logo, T-Shirt and Poster Design held on Tuesdays, March 1-30; Advanced Logo, T-Shirt and Poster Design on Tuesdays, April 12-May 3; and DIY Video Production for Home and Office on Thursdays, March 10-April 7. These classes will be held from 6-8 p.m., in room 216 of the Burrow Center.
  • Genealogy classes include Introduction to Genealogy (Feb. 3-4), Genealogy and the Computer (Feb. 17-18), Advanced Genealogy (March 2-3), Civil War Genealogy (March 15-17) and Southern Genealogy (April 6-7). These classes are held 5-8 p.m., in the basement of the Wallace State Library. The fee for each class is $30.
  • Home Decorating Skills will be taught on Wednesdays, Jan. 13-Feb. 17, from 3-5 p.m., in the Upholstery Department. Students will learn to created decorative pillows, table runners and more. The fee is $55.
  • Sharpen Your Skills is a computer class for those wanting to learn more about email, searching the Internet, online shopping, Microsoft programs and more. The classes will be held on Feb. 2 and 4 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in Computer Science Lab 24. The fee is $99.


Continuing Education offers classes designed for senior citizens, including courses on computers, Facebook, Microsoft Office, Smartphones, tablets and digital media.

The Lifelong Learning courses include:

  • Computers, with Course 1 held Jan. 26-28 and Course 2 March 15-17. The classes will be held 1:30-4:30 p.m., in Computer Science Lab 9. The fee is $25.
  • Advanced Computers, with Course 1 Feb. 16-18 and Course 2 April 19-21. The classes will be held 1:30-4:30 p.m., in Computer Science Lab 9. The fee is $25.
  • Smartphones, Tablets and Digital Media, with Course 1 Jan. 26-28 and Course 2 March 15-17. These classes will be held 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Health Science Lab 222. The fee is $25.
  • Microsoft Office will be held Feb. 16-18, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Health Science Lab 222. The fee is $25.


The Continuing Education program also offers a Health and Wellness program, with access to the Wellness Center, for the spring semester. The fee for anyone in the community is $80 and $34 for seniors 55 and older.

Training for Business and Industry classes are available in a number of career fields:

  • A four-week CDL Training program is offered, with classes held Monday-Thursday. The cost is $2,500 plus a $4 liability insurance fee. Call 256-352-7826 or 8172 to get the dates of the next class.
  • Short-Term Welding classes are offered for a number of welding processes. Classes are held Monday-Wednesday from 5:30-9 p.m., and students can enroll at any time. The fee for the 225-hour course $2,000. Call 256-352-8172 for available class dates.
  • Servsafe Test-Prep & Certificate Course for food service workers is also offered. The fee is $150 and includes textbook and certification exam. Call 256-352-8172 for course dates.
  • Short-Term Health programs are also offered, including Phlebotomy Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant and CPR-Healthcare Provider.
  • Phlebotomy Technician is a 7-week program. The fee is $1,587.50 (including textbook and exam fee), plus an $11.50 insurance fee. The classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 19-March 24, from 5:30-8:30 p.m., in the Tom Bevill Health Building, Room 506.
  • Certified Nursing Assistant is a 10-week program and includes a 26-hour clinical rotation on the three Saturdays at the end of the program. The classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays, Jan. 18-March 23, from 5-9 p.m., in Room 335 of the Nursing Building. The fee is $790 (including textbook and exam fee), plus a $15 insurance fee.
  • CPR classes for healthcare providers are one-night classes held from 5:30-8:30 p.m. in Room 615 of the Tom Bevill Health Building. Classes are scheduled for Jan. 26, Feb. 11, Feb. 23, March 10, March 29, April 7 and April 19. The fee is $50.


For information about any of the Continuing Education courses, call 256-352-7826 or email