Pastor Rick Davis of Living Water Baptist Church, the Church for the Un-churched

Rick Davis
We want to reach the lost and un-converted using the Gospel and the good news that Jesus paid for. Secondly, we want to instill in our members the ministry of ‘restoration’.”
Rick Davis, Pastor at Living Water Baptist Church

HANCEVILLE — Hanceville's new Living Water Baptist Church is a church for the ‘un-churched’. Rick Davis, the church’s pastor, has fought his demons throughout life and has come to know, love and serve God in a unique way. His mission is to help others who are struggling with their lives — and their faith. 

“Born and raised in Memphis, my mother took me to church faithfully,” Davis smiled. “I felt the call of God on my life to preach as a young boy, but did not surrender to it until I was 16 years of age. The odd thing about this is I wasn’t even saved at the time,” he chuckled.

“I attended Bible College at Liberty University located, in Lynchburg, Virginia for a semester back in 1976-77,” he continued. “I later married my wife, Becky in 1985. We have been married for 30 years as of September 7. We have five children and nine grandchildren.” 

Despite his life's positive direction, Davis would take a terrible turn.

“I quit attending church in the early 80s and ventured off into areas of life that I had never explored before,” he said.

“Soon, drugs, alcohol, and the lust of the flesh, became my habits. Eventually, I became addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol. I would return to church on occasion, return to church trying to address the guilt that I was carrying, but I never stayed.”

“In 2008, I hit rock bottom,” he frowned. “I lost my job, my home, and most of all, my direction in life. I was absolutely miserable.”

At the lowest point in his life, Davis called on the Lord for help. 

“On May 25, 2009, the Lord Jesus heard my cry,” he lit up and smiled. “He showed me He still loved me, but He also showed me the real issue I was battling: I had never been born again. So I sat in the front seat of an old Dodge pick-up and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins, and to come into my heart and save me. Since then, my life has NEVER been the same!”

Davis' spirituality was on the mend and in August of 2010 he and Becky moved to Hanceville. Once they arrived, Davis was compelled to pray, and pray hard. After a lot of prayer and council, he felt directed to start a new church in Hanceville. He named it, The Living Water Baptist Church — The Church for the Un-churched.

“The Lord has burdened my heart with the Hanceville and Cullman area,” Davis explained. “First and foremost, we want to honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in ALL that we do! The sin of the world is our No. 1 priority. We want to reach the lost and un-converted using the Gospel and the good news that Jesus paid for. Secondly, we want to instill in our members the ministry of ‘restoration’.” 

Drawing from the experiences in his life, Davis desperately wanted to help others return to God.  

“As you are well aware, our generation for the most part, grew up in church,” he continued. “Many were saved during their childhood or teen years.  Many of these dear people have been wounded in life’s battles. They have suffered tragedies and have disconnected and ceased to attend church, the very place they can find true answers and guidance. Why? I feel that our local churches have let them down. We have been so busy, trying to break attendance records and attempting to become big in the ‘who’s who.' We have lost our focus on ‘what’s what’.”

Living Water Baptist Church has been meeting for eight weeks and the Lord seems to be blessing the small congregation more and more each session.

“I am praying for these wounded ‘soldiers’ to be reclaimed, restored, and rekindled,” his tone grew serious, “Please pray for us as we labor and follow the Savior’s leadership, to have the touch of God upon us, and to love souls, through the eyes of Jesus.”
Brother Rick Davis sure has his work cut out for him, but with God’s guidance, he is sure to bring a lot of lost souls back to Christ.

Living Water Baptist Church is located at 918 Main St NE Hanceville, AL 35077, next to the Chevron Station. Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday evening service is at 5 p.m.