Holly Pond Middle School Brings Unique e-Learning library Environment to Students

Cullman County Schools

HOLLY POND – Holly Pond Middle School leveraged public funding to bring a unique eLearning library environment to students. Principal Chuck Gambrill and teacher April Dean worked this summer to remodel the classroom, which converted a standard classroom into a relaxed and collaborative learning environment.

Teacher April Dean has instituted a modern approach to deliver a virtual library class by using hi-­‐tech tablet devices. Holly Pond Middle School recently purchased Samsung Galaxy tablets and iPads allowing students to download books from a virtual library. The devices have also provided the opportunity to teach students how to research, create and apply their knowledge via the Internet and Google applications.

The middle school students are currently using this new space by learning and applying a format that uses the premise of the popular TV show titled “Shark Tank”. This format has the students research and develop a business-­‐plan in hopes of winning over an investor. 

Principal Chuck Gambrill says, “By using the Shark Tank idea we will be teaching our students business skills, presentation skills, and organizational skills.” The students are broken down into small groups and assigned a popular current product to do the following: research, build a presentation and then deliver the presentation. The groups will present to their individual classes with the winners advancing to a final round in February. “Myself and April are excited to see the positive reaction by the students about this learning experience.” stated Chuck Gambrill.  

Cullman County Schools is proud to be leveraging technology and teacher creativity to deliver well-­‐educated, informed and motivated students to the next level.