Religious Spotlight: Faith Tabernacle Church’s Brother Lummie Speakman

Patrick Jenkins
I consider the biggest challenge would be seeing so many people pass up the opportunity the God of Heaven has given them.”
Brother Lummie Speakman of Faith Tabernacle Church

CULLMANFaith Tabernacle Church, located on 4th Street SW in Cullman, was originally established in 1968. It was known as Full Gospel Mission. In 1970 they became First Pentecostal Church of Cullman, and later in 1984, they changed their name to Faith Tabernacle. Brother Lummie Speakman has been the pastor of the church for many years. Humble and devout, Brother Lummie is proud to call Faith Tabernacle home.

“I have been Pastor here at Faith Tabernacle for the past 45 years,” he smiled. “I have helped with other churches across Alabama, but this has been the part of the vineyard in which our Lord has entrusted me with, and I am thankful to have been able to serve Him in this calling all these years.”

Bro. Lummie was raised on a farm here in Cullman. Born the son of a sharecropper, farm life was all he knew growing up. He and his wife Sue have been married for 56 years and they have two children and five grandchildren.

“I was saved June 26, 1967 while at my job which was at Hayes International Corp. in Birmingham,” he explained. “The previous Thursday, I experienced a vision while driving to work. In the vision I entered a ‘fog’ and when I came out, I was saying ‘I’ll go to church’ as fast as I could, but didn’t know why. The following Monday while at my workstation, the Spirit of our Lord convicted me of my sins and I turned my life over to him that day.”

“God called me into The Ministry in 1969,” he continued. “I began preaching in jails that year but didn’t begin to fulfill my calling as a Pastor until the following year (1970). The Lord Jesus gave me a dream one night and in this dream I saw a beautiful blue sky and in the sky was five puffy clouds. Coming down through the sky was a glowing, red-hot iron bar and it continued down until it just lightly touched one of the clouds. It was impressed into my heart that the Five Clouds represented the Five-Fold Ministry of Eph 4:11, the iron bar represented the Spirit of God and the cloud that it touched was the office of Pastor.”


Jeremiah 3:15 – "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and…

Posted by Faith Tabernacle on Monday, May 4, 2015

Pastoring a church can be tough at times, but very rewarding. It can be hard work and takes a special person to persevere in their mission to serve the Lord.  

“I consider the biggest challenge would be seeing so many people pass up the opportunity the God of Heaven has given them,” he said solemnly. “He has done so many things in our time to manifest Himself to the world but yet so many pass it by. Knowing what lies ahead for those who choose to ignore God, is something that brings sadness to my heart.”

Bro. Lummie lit up like a light when he spoke of the good times of his ministry.

“The most rewarding moment has to be when God, by His Spirit, opened up the Scriptures to us all those years ago,” he grinned. “He allowed us to see who The Lord Jesus Christ truly was, that truly was a wonderful time. Being able to share this Apostolic Faith with the community of Cullman and areas all around has certainly been a rewarding experience.”

When talking about God and all the wonderful things he has done for us, Brother Lummie humbly shines. He loves his church and helping everyone find their way to God. He is an inspiration to everyone he meets.

“I thank you for allowing me to share a little bit about myself, our Church but most importantly, the wonderful things God has done. I invite all readers to come and join us. Services begin at 10 a.m. every Sunday. May God richly bless you all.”

Faith Tabernacle Church is located at 1214 4th St SW, Cullman, Alabama 35055. For more information, call them at 256-736-5884 or follow them on Facebook at