Married Three Times and an Eloper Every Blessed Time!

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Meet Mrs. Martha Ellen (Spivey) Mote Watson Wright

Miss Martha Ellen Spivey was born March 28, 1838 in Warm Springs, GA. She is the daughter of Louis Jordan Spivey and Sarah Chappell. On June 6, 1855, at the age of 17, she married De Mancel Mote who would later go on to fight in the Civil War. The two lovebirds had seven children together. Sadly, De Mancel died January 21, 1897 in Pinson, AL.

Martha Ellen would go on to marry two more times. Her second husband was Mr. James L. Watson from Jefferson County, AL. He was also a soldier in the American Civil War. They were married September 12, 1899 and he passed away on April 12, 1906.

Last but not least, Martha married another Civil War veteran, Mr. Isham Wright. The two were married on October 7, 1909 and the two lived happily until his death on July 1, 1919.

Martha was the sister of Sarah Margaret Spivey who is my third great grandmother. A lot of folks right here in Cullman County are descendents of these two fine ladies. Below is a letter from Martha Ellen to her niece, Drucilla – my second great grandmother.

Pinson, AL Route 2 Box 24

December the 1st, 1926

Dear Drucilla,

I guess you will be surprised to get a letter from me. I am still living but am very feeble. I sure would love to see you in fare weather. I can sorter get around and cook a little, but when it is raining & cloudy I can’t be up much. I was salivated when I was young and I am always poorly in bad weather.

I still live in a little house in Rosa’s yard. I don’t want to be so much trouble to nobody.

I feed myself mostly. The children and grandchildren bring me in cooked grub sometimes. I draw $110 dollars a year & it takes it to help me get along & take care of me.

Last summer Hunter, Thom Spivey, Hunter’s son & Willie Thornall come to see us. They didn’t stay here long. They stayed all night at Willie and Gordon’s. I had to hug every one of them, I was so glad they come in their own car & come in a day. If you have a car, come see us.

Rosa has 3 girls married. One of them lives about 5 miles (from here). He has a car & a good home & she comes after me & her ma. Last Saturday evening we went & they brought us back Sunday evening. She said she was as happy as anyone needs to want to be. A nice little man, well fixed (home) & plenty good to eat. Will Page is his name. The married brother’s name is Padgett. Alma lives close to us. They have a new nice house & home. She has a good man too but Velma was unlucky, so I will close.

I went to Birmingham last summer to the old soldier’s reunion and they would have me to parade with them in cars because I was a widow of 3 dead soldiers. And the next day a man came to take my picture & I am sending it to you. He wanted it put in the paper so I told him he just wanted it to make fun. He said I was the best looking he ever saw!

So write & come if you can.

Your Aunt,

Martha E. Wright.

My love to you all so bye bye

I have taken the liberty of correcting some spelling and adding punctuation in order to clarify the sweet little note. I hope it brings a smile to your face as you read the words of this aging woman and allows you to consider our elderly, not only during the holidays, but throughout the whole year as well.