American Protein and the Chantal and Tommy Bagwell Foundation Inc. Donate $75,000 to Garden City Elementary School


GARDEN CITY – Cullman County Superintendent Dr. Craig Ross announced today that American Protein and the Chantal and Tommy Bagwell Foundation Inc. donate $75,000 to Garden City Elementary school.


"As the superintendent of Cullman County Schools I want to publically thank American Protein and the Chantal and Tommy Bagwell Foundation Inc. for their generosity," stated Cullman County Superintendent Dr. Craig Ross. "Today they presented Garden City Elementary School with a check for $75,000 to be used for a student pavilion and building repairs. I want to also thank and congratulate Mrs. Susan Melton, Principal of Garden City Elementary for her efforts in writing this grant."


Ross stated he has been impressed without the amount of community support the school has received.


"It is great to be a part of a community that recognizes the importance of education. We greatly appreciate all business and industry that help provide the funds that directly support the children of this great county. May we continue to work together for the future of Cullman County by investing in our youth!"