Cullman District Judge Kim Chaney elected as President of AADCP


CULLMAN – Cullman District Judge Kim Chaney was elected President of Alabama Association of Drug Court Professionals at their last conference in Montgomery Alabama.


“I am very proud and honored to have been selected to serve this Association and will continue to work to help all the specialty courts be as effective as possible,” Judge Chaney said.


The judge’s responsibilities as president of the association revolve around training, facilitating grants, promotion and maximizing drug courts, while maintaining the flexibility individual courts need to work in their different jurisdictions.


“The use of drug courts and other specialty courts as an alternative to incarceration have helped hundreds of individuals address their legal problems while saving the State of Alabama millions of general fund dollars,” Judge Chaney said. “Drug courts have proven to be efficient and cost effective while giving individuals the opportunity to improve their lives by making better decisions.”


The Alabama Association of Drug Court Professionals is made up of Judges, District Attorneys, Defense Attorneys, counselors, Court Referral Officers and case managers. This association works to help and support the 69 individual Adult Drugs Courts serving 66 counties in the State of Alabama. It also supports many other Specialty Courts across Alabama including; 16 Family Drug Courts, 15 Juvenile Drug Courts, 5 Veterans Courts and 10 Mental Health Courts.


“The individuals who graduate the yearlong program have made many positive changes and regained who they were prior to the time addiction stole their lives. Many participants are able to reconnect with family members and it is my hope that they will continue to do well and be productive members of our community,” Judge Chaney said. “These alternative courts are run different than other Courts but they have become very important because programs rarely offer so much benefit to its participants while at the same time saving tax payer money.”