Seventh Street Welcomes New Pastor Eric Martin


CULLMAN – Seventh Street Baptist Church is excited to welcome their new pastor, Eric Martin. But Eric isn’t just new to Seventh Street, he’s also new to Cullman. So as he gets to know our town, let’s get to know him, too.


Eric and his wife Sarah are both from Memphis, Tenn., but this pastor is no stranger to Alabama.


“I spent much of my childhood visiting family in Albertville, Huntsville, Pell City and Birmingham,” he said.


Eric graduated from Union University in Jackson, Tenn. in 1998 with a double major in Christian Studies and Psychology.


“I am in the process of working on a Master’s of Divinity in Pastoral Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky as well,” he added.


Eric felt the call to full time Christian service during college. He prayed about this major life decision before finding the opportunity to serve as a

student pastor at a church near his college.


“A few years later, the Lord pressed upon my heart the call to serve as a church senior pastor,” said Eric.


Recently, Eric and his wife felt God was preparing them for a change in pastoral ministry, but they didn’t know where or when. They prayerfully waited for His timing. Finally last fall, the Martins became connected with the Seventh Street family.


“As the Seventh Street pastor search committee communicated with us, we began seeking God’s will,” he said. “In effort to confirm God’s leading us to Seventh Street, we made multiple trips to Cullman to meet with the search committee and meet the church family. During this time frame, God made it very clear to our family He was calling us to Seventh Street Baptist Church and to the city of Cullman.”


Eric, Sarah, and their two children, Aubrey and Elijah, recently made the exciting move to our beloved town. Their first impressions are that it’s a lively and family friendly town.


“We absolutely love living in Cullman,” said Eric, “and we already feel at home. We are excited about the new opportunities in store for our family as residents of Cullman.”


Seventh Street has been rooted in Cullman for over 137 years, and Eric is excited about leading this church. His desire is to see Seventh Street be the lighthouse to the city of Cullman that God has called the church to be.


“As a pastor, I desire to see Seventh Street lavish the love of Jesus on the people of Cullman,” said Eric. “My prayer is to see active ministries involved in the community to show the love of Christ to the residents of Cullman.”


The Martins are a wonderful addition to this town. If you see this new Cullmanite and his family around town, be sure to welcome them to their new home.