Kids Loving Kids in need of Christmas donations

Pam and Bobby Dodd, founders of Kids Loving Kids. (Photo contributed)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Local nonprofit organization Kids Loving Kids, founded by Pam Dodd, is in need of 85 dolls for giveaways on December 11 in Winston, Cullman and Walker counties. The organization also needs any baby and toddler items like baby blankets, diapers, rattles, teething rings, but specifically baby dolls. Toys like LEGO sets, Xbox games, board games and art sets are always needed, as are necessities for children and teenagers such as underwear, deodorant and body wash.

The organization leaves boxes to collect toys at several local locations before Christmas. The organization accepts donations throughout the year and stores them at their warehouse facility which was provided by Gateway in Curry. Families then reach out by filling out an online form to request specific gifts and items. The organization partners with a group called Santa’s Workshop which cleans and fixes any used toys before they distribute them.

This year, Kids Loving Kids is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Pam Dodd began the organization in 2011 in Cullman. Dodd said, “I didn’t have any children. I grew up as one of those kids [who’s] mom was a single parent. And so had we not had other people helping during the Christmas season, then our Christmas wouldn’t have been so bright.”

Dodd continued, “Our first Christmas we had 30 kids, we didn’t have any teenagers, and this past year in 2020, probably because of Covid and a lot of parents at that time being out of work, we had 3300 kids and teenagers.”

The organization does not have the funds available to fulfill some requests from families in need and would appreciate help from the community. Dodd says, “We’ve been buying throughout the year getting ready for Christmas season and we have been accepting donations. So now we have exhausted all of our resources and we personally need around $2000 to finish purchasing things unless people buy them.”

A great way to donate is through Venmo: @KidsLovingKids- Nonprofit or Traditions Bank. Text Pam Dodd at 256-318-4555 to donate new or slightly used toys and baby dolls and the group can pick them up, or if ordered online, dolls can be shipped to Kids Loving Kids at 197 County Road 220, Crane Hill, AL 35053.

Three different locations will be doing giveaways on December 11. They will have new and slightly used toys, clothes and gifts. The event is first come first serve for children 18 and younger.

  • Meek Baptist Church, located at 360 Helicon Rd, Arley, AL., will have their giveaway from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
  • Spirit Life Church at 1650 St. Joseph Drive in Cullman will be doing their giveaway for the third year at 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Volunteers are welcome and should be at the church at 8:00 a.m.
  • Worship Life Jasper Church at 300 Hwy 78 E. Suite B3 will hold their event from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Ole Time Way Baptist Church will be doing a baby doll drive for Kids Loving Kids to help fill requests.

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