Jim Hays of Cullman joins Citizens Bank & Trust Board of Directors


Jim Hays (Citizens Bank & Trust)

CULLMAN – Citizens Bank & Trust recently announced the appointment of James E. “Jim” Hays, Jr. of Cullman to its board of directors. The appointment expands the board to nine directors.

“Jim is an accomplished business leader and his broad experience across important industries will add a valuable perspective to our board of directors,” said Charlie Williams, president and CEO of Citizens Bank & Trust. “We appreciate his willingness to serve as a director and are confident that he will add great value to our board of directors.”

Hays, a Cullman native, is the president of Hays & Son Oil Co., Inc., Dodge City Travel Center, Inc., and the managing member of Hays Properties, LLC and JTK Group, LLC. These companies are centered in Cullman. Hays graduated from Cullman High School in 1976, the same year his family bought a small gas distributorship in Cullman. The business grew into Hays & Son Oil Company and now markets more than 20 million gallons a year of gas and fuel through retail outlets branded Conoco, Pure, Chevron and Shell and approximately 200 customers in agriculture, construction and trucking businesses. Hays and his family also founded two real estate development companies in Hays Properties, LLC and JTK Group, LLC. Hays has served in the petroleum industry as a founding member and stock holder of the Pure Oil Jobbers Cooperative which markets fuel in 10 southeastern states. He has served two terms on the Pure Oil Board of Directors and is currently serving his second term on the board of the National Association of Truckstop Operators (NATSO).

Hays and his wife, Terri, have been married and working together for 36 years. They have one daughter, Karen, a teacher, and a son-in-law, Jordan Graham, who is a nurse. Hays has been a member of Northbrook Baptist Church since 1999 and has served on various committees including Stewardship, Properties and Long Range Planning.